COMM421: Mass Media and Society

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Sunday, February 22, 2009

U.S Corporate Community

This economic crisis is not only hurting big business, but for some reason we hear more and more on the news about those companies folding. Could it be that maybe we need to start from the root of the problem, rather than those people who are many the big bucks. The book talks about U.S Corporate Community and relates it to politics, uses the NAFTA and the Mexican Financial crisis for an example. The media covered this telling everyone that this agreement would be help the Mexican communities to get out of the slump, but where they wrong. They are still struggling and trying to make ends meet. Most people couldn't image working for less than a dollar a day or even an hour. To them that is second nature. Even though this was a bigger issue in 1993, it seems it keep lingering with our country and theirs.
"Media Editorials, news coverage, and a selections of "experts" in opinion columns were heavily skewed towards the elite perference; their judgment was that benefits of NAFTA were obvious, were agreed to by all qualified authorities and that only demagogues and "special ineterest opposed." This bothers me, but the special interest are women, minorities and the work force. The media tired to cover the best of what they thought would help, however the polls don't live and people weren't sure about this aggreement. The fact is that the U.S Corporate Community has power that sometimes the public cannot control. The media could play a big outlet for this issue and for some reason they have put it in a book and put it on the shelves.

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