COMM421: Mass Media and Society

Welcome to the Spring 2009 edition of Mass Media and Society.  Here is a link to your course wiki page.  Remember that you need to log in to post to either the wiki or the blog!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Week 1: Portrayal of Women in Advertising


After browsing youtube for a few minutes I came to a video that dealt with the different advertising depending on gender. This relates to the previous post's idea of marketing toward men, but in this it focuses on the aspects of women.

And as much as I do love the Dolce and Gabbana of scantily clothed women that weigh a few pounds more than my eleven year old sister, I also understand that this type of advertising has harmful effects.

These types of ads, appeal to virtually every type of female specific product. They have one message: The most important thing about a women is the way they look. They then force feed an array of ideal looking women that often have far below healthy weights. On top of that these "models" are often air brushed and edited, making their image impossible to attain, specifically to young and impressionable young girls.

This type of advertising leads women to be set of for failure, as the images they see are not real and may never be attained.

Lastly something the video did not touch on is how this can effect men as well. Men see these advertisements and want those type of women, this can cause problems if they are already in a relationship, and can lead to future problems, as these type of women are not real. But since we are bombarded with these images, they become normalized and the true things that we should look for in a future mate are obscured and thrown out the window in the name of lust.

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