COMM421: Mass Media and Society

Welcome to the Spring 2009 edition of Mass Media and Society.  Here is a link to your course wiki page.  Remember that you need to log in to post to either the wiki or the blog!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Advertising Over the Years

Advertisements have a lot of influence on our society, more than we really know. As we have learned in the last Presidential campaign, a simple phrase, "Yes we can" made all the difference in not only our parents generation but many generations below. Many children took to Obama and even showed interest in their own future, even at 8 years old. They adore and loved that history is being made right in front of them, but would they know him if his face wasn't everywhere and if he wasn't advertised? Kids adapt more to colors, big print and fun advertisements, as adults we pick and choose what we see. If it doesn't apply to us right now then we may look pass it by.

Do we realize how much influence media has on children? They see it on TV, print media and even people around them. The commercial that I found was an old Joe Camel, which states that, "More doctors smoke camels than any other cigarettes." As you can tell this is an old commercials and basically they were targeting anyone and everyone that would smoke. People trust doctors and if they say it is OK, then well then it must be. I look back on ads like this one and just can't believe people where to naive and how much advertising has changed over the years.

The next clip is a PSA that involves Star Wars, and they promoting anti-smoking. I showed this to my dad and he said that he felt with the subscriber. Maybe, if they would have put a little more effort into anti-smoking he may have never picked up a cigarette. When Star Wars came out it was a big hit; why not influence people to not smoke? but did it really work? I would say no, especially not towards children. Yes it's fun to watch, but its not real to people.

The new truth campaigns have focused more on catchy songs, dancing to get it stuck in someones head. The ad I found is my personal favorite, the song is all about the harm of smoking, rather than just saying it is bad and you shouldn't do it. My nephew will go around singing this song and I think it's great. Not only is the media becoming more pro-active in smoking and drugs, the schools are following up as well.

The media has such an impact on our children and adults, sad thing is companies know it. It is crazy how much the the ads have changed over the years. They truly grow with the times, and use the technologies, research to have facts behind their campaigns.

1 comment:

  1. So how have they changed over the years? How has advertising shifted toward protest and critique? How do advertisers and advocacy groups use the same tactics, and how different? It's almost like there's a battle over visual and film rhetoric going on between corporate interests and anti-corporate does that play out?
