COMM421: Mass Media and Society

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Monday, January 19, 2009

Nike targeting one market.

The above commcerial is about the womans soccer team, who gets a PR person and he wants to change their whole image. He makes them do things that is crazy, like enterance on ponys. In the end it shows them all together standing and a one of the players take the mask off and throws it.

Nike has always target their ad campigns towards sports, covering areas of basketball, soccer and even dancing. Nike relates to these sports player, however never really takes their advertisment to another level or topic. Many people wear nike everyday, as us just daily clothes, not only to play sports in. I would love to see a commcerial thats shows maybe a working woman walking to work and changing from her nikes to maybe a heels. This shows that everyday woman use their product. Most of their commcerials are saying if you don't play this sport then maybe you can't relate to their products.

Another thing that I have notice is the urband hip-hop that Nike has in their commcerials, for example the Michael Jordan commcerical above. It starts off with Jordan signuature dunking pose, but then shows flash backs to his high school days. Through out the commcerial he speaks that maybe he failed or lead you to believe something about him, but in the end he he saids, "But maybe you're just making excuses" and leaves it off with BECOME LEGENDARY.

Men relate to sports different then most woman. They love to watch, even if they don't play or can relate on a different level. I think Nike being such a global brand may want to venture out on other ads to target more than just the sports community and maybe think outside the box.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you in that I would also like to see Nike attempt to reach an audience outside of the sports world. There are many people who buy Nike products that are not athletic, nor play any sports.
    However, it goes back to Nike's brand image. Personally, I associate Nike with sports. Adidas, a main competitor, is a brand that has gone beyond soccer footwear and apparel into targeting young, hip trendsetters that may not even think about going to a gym.
    The message I got from both of those commercials was, in essence, that the athleticism of the players and the sport itself were enough to represent the product. The women's soccer commercial even poked fun at the idea of trying to reinvent their marketing approach. In the end, the women just stood there, strong and untouched, after winning a game. That moment represented Nike’s brand image.
    I do wonder how long Nike can target only athletes. When will they realize, like you said Jen, that their consumers include the everyday working woman and/or mother? My boyfriend wears Nike dunks and the most that he participates in sports is fantasy football. When will Nike aim their ads at these various markets? Do they need to?
    Great post Jen!
